First issued in 2018 and updated in 2022, the Cybersecurity Code of Practice for Critical Information Infrastructure (CCoP) specifies the minimum cybersecurity standards for operators of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) in Singapore to implement in their organizations.

Like many similar regulations around the world, much of what is required by the CCoP is based on existing cybersecurity standards, models, and demonstrated best practices, including concepts like zero trust. Privileged Access Management capabilities are frequently relied on by organisations complying with global cybersecurity requirements and regulations.

Explore this paper to examine some of the key aspects of the Cybersecurity Code of Practice for Critical Information Infrastructure and better understand how Singaporean organizations under this regulation can meet requirements using Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions, including solutions from BeyondTrust.

  • Privilege Management for Windows and Mac
  • Privilege Management for Unix and Linux
  • Password Safe
  • Identity Security Insights
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