Cyber insurance (also referred to as cyber liability insurance or data breach insurance) provides insurance coverage for events including data breaches, downtimes, and cyberattacks. Cyberattacks may include malware, ransomware, phishing, DDoS, hacking, insider threats, and more. Offerings and coverage will vary depending on the policy issuer.

Cyber insurance brokerages and underwriters recognize that privileged access security controls are foundational to every organization's security posture. Privileged access management tools significantly reduce risk and liability from external and internal threat actors

BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management can help you qualify for cyber insurance and get the best rates, while drastically reducing your cyber risk. BeyondTrust solutions protect privileges across all assets, including on-premises, multicloud, endpoints, and vendors.

Get your copy of the checklist to learn how BeyondTrust is used to satisfy cyber insurance security requirements.

Learn how to use BeyondTrust PAM to satisfy many of the security requirements that cyber insurance providers expect from policyholders.

Cyber insurer approval hinges on your ability to answer questions about the capabilities of your current security posture. In some instances, insurers may request further proof that the controls are in place. Here are some examples of insurance eligibility questions that BeyondTrust Privilege Access Management can help you answer affirmatively.

Common Cybersecurity Insurance Requirements: With BeyondTrust You Can Answer:
Have local admin rights on user's laptops/desktops been removed?
  • ✓ Yes.
  • BeyondTrust removes all admin rights and elevates access as needed to applications based on the proper content, and only for the duration needed. This is one of the most powerful ways to reduce the attack surface and defend against both external and internal threats.
Can you confirm human and non-human accounts always abide by least privilege?
  • ✓ Yes.
  • Enforce least privilege and application control across all human/non-human identities and accounts across any time of endpoint or other asset. This massively reduces the attack surface and protects organizations against fileless threats and zero days.
Do you have protections in place to protect remote access to the corporate network?
  • ✓ Yes.
  • Proxies access to corporate network, applications, assets, and makes all connections outbound—no VPN needed. BeyondTrust monitors and manages all privileged remote sessions from vendors and employees and vaults credentials, auto-injecting into sessions without revealing to end users.
Do you manage privileged accounts using tooling/software solutions?
  • ✓ Yes.
  • PAM software is the solution class designed to fulfill this need. PAM solutions can manage every privileged user, session, and asset across the enterprise—whether cloud, on-premises, or in a hybrid environment.
Do you use multi-factor authentication for remote network access originating from outside your network by employees and third parties (e.g. VPN, remote desktop)?
  • ✓ Yes.
  • Provides built-in multi-factor authentication for remote access, as well as the ability to seamlessly integrate with third-party MFA tools. MFA provides an extra layer to ensure that access is only given to the right identity.

Cyber Insurance Checklist

Discover some of today's most common cybersecurity insurance eligibility questions and how BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management is used to meet them.

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