Most attacks occur and grow in severity due to mismanaged user privileges—so what impact does removing or heightening control over user privileges actually have on deterring potential ransomware breaches?

James Maude, Lead Cyber Security Researcher at BeyondTrust, decided to put this question to the test. In this demonstration, James pits BeyondTrust's Privilege Management solutions against Darkside's ransomware itself.

Tune into to observe how Windows and Mac users with BeyondTrust fare when compared to the fate of users without BeyondTrust.

In a world full of ransomware, there is one beacon of hope — the principle of least privilege.

Watch this technical product clinic to explore how BeyondTrust's Privilege Management solution applies least privilege controls to drastically decrease the risks and impact of ransomware attacks. Learn how to:

  • Allow users to effectively do their jobs and avoid culture shock after the removal of admin rights
  • Elevate privileges to allow known applications to run and provide privilege to the task and not the user
  • Provide pragmatic application control to understand and define the perfect workspace environment for all standard users

Ransomware continues to play a significant role in the cyberthreat landscape. Those who use Dark Arts, have a lot of ideas for ransomware and other forms of destructive malware. Also, as remote working is getting more and more popular, cybercriminals are looking for opportunities to put their hands on the corporate data in many new ways – to sell them, extort ransom, leak them or use in other malicious ways.

Explore the newly emerging threats with cybersecurity experts to experience:

  • How identity ransomware myths are falling apart
  • How to think like a hacker so you can evaluate your infrastructure for exploitable vulnerabilities
  • How to recover the evidence attackers leave behind.

Gain practical guidance on the prevention of malware attacks, including a tour of some of the most common malware threats of the past 12 months (DarkSide, Trickbot, Emotet), with our leading cybersecurity experts. James Maude and Paul Davies will break down the most prevalent Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used by malware to show how these can be disrupted. Using a combination of real-world malware samples and attack simulations James will live-demo key attack chains and show the points at which they can be proactively stopped.

You'll learn:

  • How to mitigate the risks of ransomware and malware (like DarkSide, Trickbot, Emotet) with 5 critical steps
  • The tactics being used by ransomware threat actors and how to implement defensive and preventative security techniques

Many of the workplace changes accelerated by the pandemic are expected to endure, and a more durable hybrid work environment is taking root. The hybrid workplace has been called a "cybersecurity nightmare,” and "a hacker’s dream". We have created this guide to help you understand the shifting threatscape and the security strategies and technologies you can put in place to mitigate the risks, while positioning your organization to safely reap the benefits of digital transformation (DX) and remote working.

Explore the annually-updated Cybersecurity Survival Guide to explore:

  1. Research-backed data and anecdotes illustrating how the attack surface is changing
  2. Analysis of how the threat actor’s path of least resistance is shifting
  3. A dissection of several world-shaking breaches over the past year and how they could have been dismantled at multiple steps
  4. Survival tips that will enable you to adapt, close security gaps, and reduce risk—all while achieving business benefits from the opportunities presented by the new normal

Ransomware has quickly emerged as one of the biggest cybersecurity threats facing state and local government agencies. Numerous government entities have been victims of attacks over the past few years, and these assaults are costly.

While ransomware can affect any industry or organization, the task force said it’s particularly concerned about attacks against the networks of state, local, tribal and territorial governments; police and fire departments; municipalities; and other critical infrastructure.

Download this whitepaper to discover four ways that governments can prepare for ransomware going forward.

Also known as “human hacking,” social engineering attacks use psychologically manipulative tactics to influence a user’s behavior. By understanding what needs to be done to drive a user’s actions, a threat actor can apply deceptive tactics to incite a heightened emotional response (fear, anger, excitement, curiosity, empathy, love, guilt, sadness, etc.) or exploit a user's lack of knowledge. In so doing, the attacker induces the user to perform ill-advised actions, such as:

  • Clicking a malware infected link
  • Granting access to an asset (bypassing MFA)
  • Divulging confidential information, like their credentials, to compromise their digital security.

This blog will explore the risks posed to an organization when an employee is targeted by a social engineering attack, the top social engineering schemes to look out for, and the best ways to fend off a social engineering attacker when they do make contact.

So far, the roaring twenty-twenties have not disappointed. We have experienced a global pandemic that has dramatically altered the course of how and where we work, the death of a queen, and a regional war that has laid bare the darkest sides of human intent. During this era, cybersecurity initiatives have only increased in urgency. The stakes for protecting digital assets and critical infrastructure from cyberattacks continue to ratchet up.

With all that aside, some clear patterns have taken shape on which we predicate our predictions for 2023 and beyond. In this blog, we discuss our top prognostications for 2023, as well as a glimpse into the key emergent trends we foresee taking hold for the remainder of the decade.

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