Removing admin rights and enforcing least privilege are best practices that apply across all IT environments, whether Windows, macOs, Unix, Linux, on-premise, or cloud. In fact, from 2015 to 2020, simply removing administrative privileges could have mitigated 75% of all Critical Microsoft vulnerabilities [Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report 2023].

Endpoint Privilege Management—sometimes referred to as privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM)—enables users to work productively without admin rights. This security technology combines privilege management and application control in a single agent, making admin rights removal simple and scalable across desktops and servers.

The BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management solution enables organizations to meet least privilege and identity and access security best practices by removing user admin privileges and whitelisting trusted applications. The solution controls users and shadow IT, while preventing unauthorized system and software changes. This means our customers can reduce the attack surface and dismantle threats—without hindering user productivity.

Protect against illicit use of privileges, restrict lateral movement, and block privilege escalation attacks.
BeyondTrust delivers a positive user experience, reduced helpdesk tickets, and simplified maintenance. We have all the tools for an environment without admins.
Many compliance mandates—as well as cybersecurity insurance policies—require the removal of excess privileges and application whitelisting.
Almost all cyber threats require privileged access to execute or advance. Achieve fast time-to-value by removing admin rights in a short timeframe.
Integrated auditing and reporting capabilities provide visibility of blocked (and allowed) privileged user activity, enabling you to customize policies.
Proven to scale from 100 to 500,000 desktops, BeyondTrust is ready to grow with your organization.

"BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management is a comprehensive tool that is also far better than alternative solutions we assessed in terms of implementation and professional support. Competitor solutions were bulky and had difficult processes to set up and apply. BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management seamlessly integrated with our internal process and created an exceptional outcome. "

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Contact us to learn more about removing admin privileges from all users and systems across your organization.

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