Welcome to SailPoint IdentityNow Integration with Password Safe


IdentityNow is a Software as a Service (SaaS) identity governance solution from SailPoint.

Password Safe can integrate with IdentityNow using an access data source connector that is supported by default with IdentityNow.

Password Safe Cloud can also integrate with IdentityNow using a BeyondTrust Password Safe open source Saas Connector, which allows for direct cloud-to-cloud communication.

To configure the integration between IdentityNow and Password Safe using the default connector you must perform the below configuration steps:

For more information, please see IdentityNow for BeyondTrust Password Safe at https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Connector-Directory/IdentityNow-for-BeyondTrust-Password-Safe/ta-p/211776.

To configure the integration between Password Safe and IdentityNow using the Password Safe SailPoint SaaS open source connector for IdentityNow, see Welcome to the Password Safe SailPoint SaaS Connector.